Due to frequent changes please see Weekly Bulletin for Mass & Liturgy Times


 Baptism of infants/children usually takes place following the 9:00am Sunday Mass (or during any weekend Mass if requested).

Please contact the Parish Office on 6658 3544 to make an appointment to meet with the Baptismal Preparation Team.

Or complete the online form here Baptism Request Form

** Godparent/ Sponsor: At least one must be a Confirmed Catholic; 16 years + . The other can be a Christian of any denomination.

The process for school aged children will involve extra preparation.

Sacramental Process for Children

Parents are recognised by the Church as the first and best teachers of their children in the ways of the Faith and Christian values.



The preparation time for this sacrament will continue to be held towards the end of Year 2 for children who have been baptised in the Catholic church.


A child will need to have been baptised in the Catholic church and be in Year 3 or up to 15 years old, to be eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation dates are subject to the Bishop’s calendar.

First Eucharist

Eligible children will prepare for their First Holy Communion in the year following the reception of Confirmation. This will now usually be in Year 4 or above.

Parish Sacrament Program for Children- Overview

Each Sacrament begins with parent meetings to discuss and be informed about the sacraments, and their parental role in the preparation process. Following this, parents and children participate in a series of small group sessions which are facilitated by a group companion. We encourage parents to volunteer for the role of group companions. Training and support is provided. A practice session is usually held before the celebration of each sacrament. Notification for enrollment in the program is advertised in the Parish bulletin, website and Facebook page and also through MHOC Primary School.

All inquiries and questions can be directed to Carolyn Tumminello (Parish Pastoral Associate/ Sacrament coordinator) at the Parish Office by phoning 6658 3544 or  by emailing her at pastoral@sawtellcatholicchurch.com.au


Request for information

If you require Sacrament or personal information from our Parish please complete the request form. All requests are processed within 7 days of receipt.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme runs each year in the parish from October to Easter the following year.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church can make an appointment to see the RCIA team by phoning the Parish Office on 6658 3544 or emailing: pastoral@sawtellcatholicchurch.com.au



Sacraments of Healing


Reconciliation is available every Saturday between 11:30am to 12:30pm in the Church and any time upon request. A communal Rite of Reconciliation takes place in our Parish Church during Lent and Advent each year.

Sacraments of Healing

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick during Mass takes place at Our Lady of the Way Chapel every 3 months. Anointings are also available on request.


Should you need to make arrangements for a funeral please contact the parish office 66583544

A time will be arranged  for the priest to meet with the family to discuss the options and plan the funeral.

Sacraments of Service


By request 6 – 12 months notice is recommended.

Support with preparation is offered.

Sacraments of Service

Holy Orders

How to pursue a vocation


Vocation Article- Fr David Cartwright

For more information about the priesthood, please contact the Parish Priest.

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